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Because of Y'SHU+ ... |
A note to Syriac or Aramaic
The time to stand united has come; the
WHOLE House of Israel… yes, the WHOLE House… is coming under persecution
world-wide, both the natural and the grafted-in branches.
It is time to lay aside differences
and seek The LORD in repentance, on our face.
It is clear that the 10 kings of Revelation 17 are actively pushing
their agenda to eliminate all those who hinder their program.
Followers of Y’SHU+
the M’SHIKHA are the only ones on the face of this
earth who can, through their obedience and their prayers, hinder their
efforts. The satan knows this, thus the
persecution of the Whole House of Israel.
Also note: I have used the form, Y’SHU+
the M’SHIKHA through-out, as found in the Peshitta,
instead of the Jewish form of Y’SHUA+ haMOSHIYACH.
for Pascha
(The Passover Season, 2016)
+ + +
Now is My+ soul troubled;
and what shall I+ say ...
save ME+ from this hour ?
but for this cause
came I+ unto this hour.
Glorify Thy Name.
Then came
there a Voice from Heaven, saying,
I have both glorified It,
and will glorify It again.
+ + +
Meditation Verse
Ephesians 1:3
Blessed (worthy, praised)
The GOD and FATHER of our LORD Y’SHU+ THE M’SHIKHA, the ONE ( that is, GOD The FATHER**) blessing us in all spiritual blessing in the Heavenlies in THE M’SHIKHA.
** In the
Greek grammar, the ONE doing the blessing is in the nominative
case, the subject case. The subject of the sentence is "The GOD and
FATHER." Our LORD Y’SHU+ THE M’SHIKHA , in this sentence, is in a
different case, the genitive case which shows possession, frequently indicated
in English by using "of..." .
Now, from the Syriac / Aramaic translations
of Dr’s. Etheridge, Murdock, and Lamsa , courtesy of Dukhrana.com :
+ + +
In the Heavenlies, we
have A FATHER WHO has given to us spiritual blessing, a
"benediction," a "good word."
What exactly IS this
"spiritual blessing" in the
Heavenlies ?
This blessing is favor with GOD the FATHER, which exists now, in the Heavenlies.
There is only one way to
procure this "good word" with GOD, this benediction, this blessing,
from The FATHER in the Heavenlies: That Way is through HIS Beloved SON+ Y’SHU+ THE M’SHIKHA.
Now, it is true that GOD the FATHER loves mankind.
It is also true that
sin-filled mankind with his Adamic nature cannot enter Heaven. Adamic Man,
unchanged, is barred from Eternal life and is condemned to eternal death and
Thus, in GOD'S love for
fallen and wretched man, The FATHER determined to procure a people through HIS
Eternal SON+ .
The SON+ took on the limitations of human flesh and
became in the likeness of men.
And, being found in
fashion as a man, HE+ humbled HIMSELF+ and became obedient unto death, even the
death of the Cross.
His+ death provided the
sacrifice to cover our sins, the Divine Plan of The HOLY FATHER and HIS SON+, Y’SHU+ THE M’SHIKHA.
death on the Cross gained for us a spiritual entrance even now into
Heaven, for all who follow THE M’SHIKHA Y’SHU+, in
love and in obedience.
Therefore, in the Heavenlies,
we now have a Divine EAR
bending towards us.
We have, through Y’SHU+ our LORD, the undivided attention of Our Heavenly FATHER when we cry out to HIM.
Because Y’SHU+ is there, we have been admitted into the Courts of the Heavenly
KING, to put our petitions before HIM... and
now we know they will be received.
All this we gain in the
Heavenlies through THE M’SHIKHA
Y’SHU+. Because of His+ great
sacrifice, we are included in His+ train of attendants.
We are received, our
words are listened to, and our petitions granted as is best for us. We are
granted a welcome in Heaven even now.
And, a Home.
I thank THEE+, M’SHIKHA, for including me in Thy+ Heavenly Home.
I bless THEE+, O LORD,
for hearing the words of my heart, like no-one else hears them.
For Thy+ undivided
attention given to me without measure, I thank THEE+.
May I return Thy+ favor by giving THEE+ my undivided attention,
May I return Thy+ blessing by hearing the words of Thy+ heart,
likewise, as recorded in Scripture.
And, may I make my heart
a Home for THEE+, O LORD Y’SHU+, for all Eternity.
This I pray, in the Holy
LAMB+ of GOD, Whose+
sacrifice makes this possible. Amen.
+ + +
Glory be to The FATHER,
and to His Beloved SON+
and to
the Blessed RUACH
both now and forever,
world without end.
Worthy is the LAMB+.
Worthy is The LAMB+
that was slain.
Worthy is the LAMB+,
from the foundation
of the earth.
Revelation 13:8
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