MICAH 5:2 Complete Jewish Bible

Micah 5:1... Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

But you, Beit-Lechem near Efrat,so small among the clans of Y’hudah,out of you will come forth to me the future ruler of Isra’el,whose origins are far in the past, back in ancient times.

Neither is there SALVATION in any other; for there is NO OTHER NAME+ under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Acts 4:12

That at the NAME of YESHUA+ every knee shall bow, of beings in Heaven, beings in earth, and beings under the earth; and that every tongue should proclaim that YESHUA+ MASHIYACH+ is LORD, to the Glory of ALAHA, His+ FATHER.
Philippians 2:10-11


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The FINAL WORD on "Messiah ben Joseph" ...

... must be  the HOLY SCRIPTURES.

That title and identity and concept is simply NOT IN SCRIPTURE.

It is NOT in Scripture even in regards to Joseph, the son of Jacob. It is not in Scripture in regards to Ephraim, the son of Joseph, the son of Jacob. It is an identity conjured up from the minds of men and made into a confusing doctrine , for those who entertain it.

That title and / or identity is not in the Hebrew, the Latin, The Greek Septuagint, the English.... nor the Aramaic Scriptures.

This is the final word:
It is not there.

Then, where can it be found?  In the figment of the imagination of the detractors of Y'SHUA+ HaMASHIYACH.

Wise men still seek HIM+ ...Messiah, Son of David (Dawid).  

A warning: stay away from such confusion. The penalty for bringing confusion into the camp was severe, in Torah.
+  +


Anonymous said...

You know what else is a term never found in Scripture? Trinity. So I hope that you will just as vehemently refute, reject, and refuse to use that term as well.

Sister Judith Hannah said...

Dear haDerech.... If we stick to Scriptures, all will be well. Try GODHEAD, and the plural one, ELOHIM.

Both SCRIPTURAL terms seem sufficient to include:

1. The Eternal, HOLY FATHER,

2. HIS only-begotten SON+, Y'SHUA+ haMASHIYACH+, [MASHIYACH ben DAVID, that is],

3. and the Blessed RUACH haKODESH... don't you think?

I agree with you, though, that errors would be less if Scriptural terms ONLY were used.

Sr. Judith Hannah

Anonymous said...

The concept of the suffering servant (Mashiyach ben Yoseph) is clearly found in Scripture as well. Though you clearly seem to dislike the term which is based on the "type and shadow" of Joseph, son of Jacob (having nothing to do with actual lineage).