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St. Ignatius Noorono 3rd Patriarch of AntiochPicture courtesy of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, Archdiocese of the Western USA http://www.soc-wus.org/ourchurch/St.%20Ignatius%20Noorono.htm |
How Did Ignatius, the ancient Bishop of Antioch,
View This ALMAH...
who was the Hebrew Virgin Mariam ?
The Hebrew Virgin Mariam, carrying the Un-begotten SON+ of The FATHER in her un-opened womb was purposely robed in obscurity, hidden under the Hand of The LORD, sheltered from the eyes of the hardened of heart, as well as hidden from the wicked one who was ready to devour the Man-Child+ as soon as HE+ was born.
The Early Christian writer, martyr, and Bishop of Antioch, Ignatius, explained this hiding as a MYSTERY of GOD in the Syriac version of the Letter to the Ephesians.
Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians,
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 1, page 57 , Chapter 19
"Now the virginity of Mary was hidden from the prince of this world, as was also her OFFSPRING+, and the death of The LORD: three mysteries of renown, which were wrought in silence, but have been revealed to us."
It is of good note that the shorter Greek version has the same details of the HIDDEN nature of this miraculous event.
Which brings us to the conclusion that EVERY WORD of Scripture is inspired of GOD ( ALAHA ) .... and ought not to be tampered with, as some have done.
There are excellent reasons why Our LORD chose to express Scriptural truths by using CERTAIN words: it is for the exact expression of HIMSELF, HIS Character, and His Truth.
In this case, ALMAH , which stems from OLAM, carries with it the essential meaning of "hidden."
That clue is crucial to the understanding of WHO+ YESHUA+ HaMASHIYACH+ is, how HE+ was born, and why HE+ was crucified.
Neither the crucial details of His+ birth nor the victorious consequences of His+ death were revealed to the satanic forces around HIM+.
For, if they would have known the VICTORY over death, hell, and the grave coming... they would NOT have crucified The LORD of Glory !
His+ death wrought the death-blow to the the power of satan over mankind ... for those whosoever will come to YESHUA+.
Furthermore, In HIS+ Name, we too are enabled to defeat satan's purposes by our deaths. That VICTORY by the sons of Adam, granted by the victory of the Second ADAM+, was also hidden from the eyes of satan.
This is "why" the Hebrew virgin had to be an ALMAH , and not any other word for "virgin." Neither the Greek nor the Latin reveal this crucial aspect to the coming of Our LORD in the virgin birth.
HE Who was the fount of all languages, knew EXACTLY in which words to reveal HIMSELF to mankind.
Why should we attempt to change that ?
Let us take heed to ourselves to handle the Word of GOD in purity, without deceit.
Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians,
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 1, page 57 , Chapter 19
"Now the virginity of Mary was hidden from the prince of this world, as was also her OFFSPRING+, and the death of The LORD: three mysteries of renown, which were wrought in silence, but have been revealed to us."
It is of good note that the shorter Greek version has the same details of the HIDDEN nature of this miraculous event.
Which brings us to the conclusion that EVERY WORD of Scripture is inspired of GOD ( ALAHA ) .... and ought not to be tampered with, as some have done.
There are excellent reasons why Our LORD chose to express Scriptural truths by using CERTAIN words: it is for the exact expression of HIMSELF, HIS Character, and His Truth.
In this case, ALMAH , which stems from OLAM, carries with it the essential meaning of "hidden."
That clue is crucial to the understanding of WHO+ YESHUA+ HaMASHIYACH+ is, how HE+ was born, and why HE+ was crucified.
Neither the crucial details of His+ birth nor the victorious consequences of His+ death were revealed to the satanic forces around HIM+.
For, if they would have known the VICTORY over death, hell, and the grave coming... they would NOT have crucified The LORD of Glory !
His+ death wrought the death-blow to the the power of satan over mankind ... for those whosoever will come to YESHUA+.
Furthermore, In HIS+ Name, we too are enabled to defeat satan's purposes by our deaths. That VICTORY by the sons of Adam, granted by the victory of the Second ADAM+, was also hidden from the eyes of satan.
This is "why" the Hebrew virgin had to be an ALMAH , and not any other word for "virgin." Neither the Greek nor the Latin reveal this crucial aspect to the coming of Our LORD in the virgin birth.
HE Who was the fount of all languages, knew EXACTLY in which words to reveal HIMSELF to mankind.
Why should we attempt to change that ?
Let us take heed to ourselves to handle the Word of GOD in purity, without deceit.
For edification here is the account of the trial of Ignatius, courtesy of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, Archdiocese of the Western USA, listed under "I" , under the "Saints Lives" tab.
St. Ignatius is condemned by Trajan.
For Trajan, in the ninth year of his reign, being lifted up with pride,
after the victory he had gained over the Scythians and Dacians, and many other
nations, and thinking that the religious body of the Christians were yet wanting
to complete the subjugation of all things to himself, and thereupon threatening
them with persecution unless they should agree to worship demons, as did all
other nations, thus compelled all who were living godly lives either to
sacrifice to idols or die. Wherefore the noble soldier of Christ Ignatius, being
in fear for the Church of the Antiochians, was, in accordance with his own
desire, brought before Trajan, who was at that time staying at Antioch, but was
in haste to set forth against Armenia and the Parthians. And when he was set
before the emperor Trajan, said unto him:
"Who are you, (unlucky) wicked wretch, who set yourself to transgress our
commands, and persuade others to do the same, so that they should miserably
St. Ignatius replied: "No one ought to call Theophorus (one who carries
God) wicked wretch; for all evil spirits and demons you worship have departed
from the servants of God. But if, because I am an enemy to these spirits, you
call me wicked in respect to them, I quite agree with you; for inasmuch as I
have Christ the King of heaven within me, I destroy all the devices of these
evil spirits."
Trajan answered, "And who is Theophorus?"
St. Ignatius replied, "He who has Christ within his breast."
Trajan said, "Do we not then seem to you to have the gods in our mind,
whose assistance we enjoy in fighting against our enemies?"
St. Ignatius answered, "You are in error when you call the demons of the
nations, gods. For there is but one God, who made heaven, and earth, and the
sea, and all that are in them; and one Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of
God, in whom I hope may be saved by His love."
Trajan said, "Do you mean Him who was crucified under Pontius Pilate?"
St. Ignatius replied, "I mean Him who crucified the sin, with its
inventor, and who has condemned all the deceit and malice of the devil under the
feet of those who carry Him in their heart."
Trajan said, "Do you then carry within you Him that Christ (was
St. Ignatius replied, "Truly so; for it is written, I will dwell in them,
and walk in them" (2 Cor. 6: 16.).
Then Trajan pronounced sentence as follows: "We command that Ignatius,
who affirms that he carries about within him, Him that was crucified, be bound
by soldiers, and carried to the great [city] Rome, there to be devoured by the
beasts, for the gratification of the Romans (people of Rome)."
When the holy martyr heard this sentence, he cried out with joy, "I thank
You, O Lord, that You have vouchsafed to honor me with a perfect love towards
You, and have made me to be bound with iron chains, like Your Apostle Paul."
Having spoken thus, he then, with delight, clasped the chains about him; and
when he had first prayed for the Church, and commended it with tears to the
Lord, he was hurried away by the savage cruelty of the soldiers, like his Lord
as distinguished ram the leader of a goodly flock, that he might be carried to
Rome, there to furnish food to the bloodthirsty beasts.
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