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A certain man came and drew near and said to him, "Good Teacher, what is good that I should do that I should have Eternal Life? "
Then HE+ said to him, "Why do you call ME+ good? There is none good except one ALAHA. Now if you desire to enter into Life, keep the Commandments."
He said to HIM+, "Which ones?"
Then YESHUA+ said to him, "That you will not kill, and not commit adultery, and you will not steal, and you will not give false witness. And honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself."
That young man said to HIM+, " All these things I have obeyed them from my youth. What do I lack?"
YESHUA+ said to him, "If you desire to be perfect, go sell your possessions and give them to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven, and come follow ME+."
And that young man heard this word and went away sad, for he had many possessions.
YESHUA+ then said to His+ disciples, "Truly I+ say to you that it is difficult for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
And again I+ say to you that it is easier for a rope to enter into the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of ALAHA.
And when the disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed and were saying, "Who indeed is able to gain Life?"
Matthew 19:16-25
These words are from the "golden, best, and historic" Aramaic - English New Covenant version. [ Capital letters and Aramaic textual spellings of YESHUA+ and ALAHA added to make the English version line up with the Aramaic text. Footnote has underlining added. Sr. JH ]
The fanciful footnote (#182) that accompanies this erroneous translation of the Aramaic text says this:
"Gamala refers to a "heavy rope" rather than a "camel" which is also spelled gimel-meem-lamed-alap. Greek scholars puzzled over a camel passing through the eye of a needle, which is a physical impossibility.
"YESHUA+ is clearly not saying a rich man can't enter, or HE+ would not "love: this one!
The "heavy rope" lesson teaches about a rich man entering Heaven, after he "unravels" his fortune strand by strand as YESHUA+ instructs.
"If his wealth was bound tightly and strong like a rope, it is to be unwound like threads which will pass through the eye of the needle!
"Careful attention is required to thread a needle; so are the rich obligated unto YHWH for how their wealth is acquired and dispersed.
"Theological attempts to "prove" the eye of the needle to be a geographical location have utterly failed."
( end of quote)
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Fanciful Footnote PROBLEM #1:
Gamlah is the word in the Aramaic text... not Gamala... according to the vowel pointings in this Aramaic text. Gamlah = camel in every Aramaic lexicon available, i.e., [ Jennings, J. Payne Smith, Dukhrana, Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon, Ernest Klein's Hebrew Etymology, and Henry Whish's Clavis Syriaca, plus in Jeff Benner's Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible ( #2070 pg 315) ]
Fanciful Footnote PROBLEM # 2:
Which Greek scholars "puzzled" over a camel passing through the eye of a needle ? Who, what , when, where, and why... rudimentary documentation giving the authority for such a broad-sweeping statement.
Fanciful Footnote PROBLEM # 3:
A parallel passage with the same exact details is found in Mark 10:25, but this account records one OTHER important detail. It says ( from the G,B, and H version itself...)
" And YESHUA+ looked at him and loved him and said to him, "One thing is lacking in you..."
Thus, Scripture says YESHUA+ did indeed love the sad rich man who chose Eternity WITHOUT YESHUA+, Eternity outside of Heaven, in order to keep his riches.
That is why the rich young ruler was
YESHUA+ did NOT give him a loop-hole to escape the confines of Damnation in HELL, HADES, or SHEOL... and eventually, the Lake of Burning Fire at the Second Death !
If indeed YESHUA+ had proffered
to the rich man a WAY to keep his wealth
and have Heaven too...
the rich man would have left
For, that is what he wanted, hoping YESHUA+ would think that he had kept the commandments so well that HE+ would allow him to enter Heaven !
The LORD said that which is impossible with men is possible with GOD. Yes, it is impossible for a man to shake off the grip of Mammona on his heart. By love of money or fear of no money... it is humanly impossible to untangle oneself from Mammona's grip.
BUT now....
.... YESHUA+ has made it possible --- for those who love HIM+ --- to be freed of both the LOVE of and the FEAR of money.
There is a way even for the very wealthy ones to enter into Heaven; history is full of the accounts of those who forsook their wealthy holdings and followed YESHUA+.
Since they lived ...albeit simply, as YESHUA+, their Example+ did... they did not die of starvation or exposure ... and laid up for themselves treasures in Heaven.
Where are our treasures laid up?
A Aramaic "gamlah" is still an English camel and a needle is still a needle.
And the Words of YESHUA+ are still Truth.
YESHUA+ said, " I+ am the Way , the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to The FATHER except through ME+. "
John 14:6
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