A Repost from 11.23.2011 . . .
Seemeth it a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture, but ye must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures? and to have drunk of the deep waters,but ye must foul the residue with your feet ? Ezekiel 34
There are 4 verses in John's Gospel Account which grossly mis-translate THE VERY WORDS OF Y'SHUA+ HA MASHIYACH+ in the current "gold standard" translation of the Aramaic New Covenant. The words in yellow highlight are the mis-translated words into English from the editor of the Aramaic New Covenant. The first one is found in John 14:16 , as seen on the previous blog. Here it is again.
"And I+ will ask of My+ FATHER and HE will give you ANOTHER REDEEMER Who will be with you forever."
Elucidation from verse 17: Even the SPIRIT of TRUTH; Whom the world cannot receive, because it perceives* him not, neither knows him; but ye know him; for he dwells with you and shall be in you. *Greek
John's next verse is 14:26:
"But the REDEEMER, the HOLY SPIRIT, Whom The FATHER will send in My+ Name, HE shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I+ have said unto you. "
John 15:26 reads:
"But when the REDEEMER is come, Whom I+ will send unto you from beside The FATHER, the SPIRIT of TRUTH, Who goes out forth from beside The FATHER, HE shall testify of ME+. "
John 16:7 reads:
"Nevertheless, I+ tell you the truth; it is advantageous for you that I+ should go away: for if I+ go not away, the REDEEMER will not come unto you; but if I+ depart, I+ will send Him unto you."
Elucidation from verses 13 and 14 of John 16:
"Howbeit when HE, the SPIRIT of TRUTH, is come, HE will guide you into all truth; for HE shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever HE shall hear, that shall HE speak: and HE will shew you things to come. He shall glorify ME+ : for HE shall receive of Mine+, and shall shew it unto you. "
The reader of Scripture will certainly recognize the distortion from the standard wording in ANY translation across the globe:
The Greek word is, of course, PARACLETE... one called alongside. It is developed through the combination of a common Greek prefix added to a base: PARA= beside, along side of and the base, KALEO= to call.
The English word, COMFORT, is often scorned in regard to meaning PARACLETE, but actually is a good fit. Comfort comes from Latin. It means : com = with, together, jointly or thoroughly and fortis = strength.
Thus, a comforter = one who greatly strengthens .
Thus, a comforter = one who greatly strengthens .
Strangely enough, the Aramaic text word in every one of these verses (plus one other not yet discussed ) is the same : PaRaQLEETA...
[ How paraqleeta got into the Aramaic language is yet another interesting blog! More to come on this .... and it is NOT as some modern translators would have readers "believe." ]
REDEEMER is a standard Christian vocabulary word. It comes from Latin and has a prefix RE-, which means again or back once again, and EMIRE, which means to take or buy or obtain. In a monetary sense, one takes stamps or coupons which one has obtained and exchanges them back once more, this time for usable goods. In a Christian sense, it is the term used for CHRIST'S BLOOD sacrifice, offered unto The FATHER through the Eternal SPIRIT, for our sins.
+ + +
Now, with these definitions in mind, let us look at the THEOLOGICAL soundness of making the HOLY SPIRIT into the REDEEMER+.
1. There can NEVER be ANOTHER REDEEMER Who+ will shed HIS+ Life blood for us sinners.
The book of HEBREWS teaches us that. Y'SHUA+ completed the requirements of the Law found in the old Covenant, by HIS+ one , perfect, complete, Holy, and sufficient sacrifice for our sins.
The HOLY SPIRIT did not shed His own Blood.... because He had none to shed! The HOLY SPIRIT did not and could never REDEEM us sinners. That was the work of the UnBlemished LAMB+ of GOD, the work of the Only-Begotten SON+ of GOD, Y'SHUA+ Ha MASHIYACH+.
2. Redemption is an ACT, not a teaching. But, the HOLY SPIRIT was given BY OUR REDEEMER+...
...HE+ accomplished the act of Redemption.... after Y'SHUA'S+ death and resurrection took place. Y'SHUA+ said the HOLY SPIRIT would bring to mind all the things Y'SHUA+ taught His+ disciples.
3. The HOLY SPIRIT indeed has an Eternal function, an Eternal "job to do" as concerning us human beings who have been REDEEMED+ from our sins by Y'SHUA'S Blood Sacrifice.
We can find what the HOLY SPIRIT does SIMPLY BY LOOKING AT SCRIPTURES. There are 240-plus verses (!) in the New Covenant in which we can EASILY FIND the activities assigned to the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT.
In summary, we see that the HOLY SPIRIT : speaks, leads, guides, discerns, announces Coming Things, quickens and gives life, brings one into a New Birth, convicts, reproves, is poured out, is sent by CHRIST JESUS from THE FATHER, and is given by The FATHER.
HE does not speak "on His own" but HE speaks whatever HE hears from Our LORD JESUS CHRIST, making intercessions for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
BUT searching all 240-plus verses, we never find written in Scriptures that The HOLY SPIRIT REDEEMS mankind... in ANY way whatsoever!
We also see that HE is not the "Deliverer," as some other modern Aramaic versions say ( which could not bring themselves to call the HOLY SPIRIT the "REDEEMER" ) !
Y'SHUA+ HA MASHIYACH+ always, always, always is the DELIVERER of mankind... delivering us from sin, delivering us from the old Adamic nature as well as predicaments we find ourselves in.
It is totally erroneous, by Scripture, to change PaRaQLEETA to mean "redeemer" ... as does this "golden translation" of the fine Aramaic Text. It is also erroneous, by Scripture, to call the PaRaQLEETA a "deliverer."
NOT ONE TIME in 240-plus verses does the HOLY SPIRIT function as either a redeemer or deliverer.
Where does SUCH GROSS ERROR come from .... and WHY ?
It is a deadly serious thing to befoul
the Living Water of the WORD of GOD.
Be careful, little ears, what you hear.
Thus, let us DO as The HOLY SPIRIT
teaches us to do:
glorify Our SAVIOR Y'SHUA+,
with right and true hearts.
In the name of THE FATHER,
Who created us;
HIS Dearly-Beloved SON+ Y'SHUA+
Who+ redeems our life from destruction;
And the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT
Who sanctifies us.
( Historical facts and language facts about paraqleeta coming soon , LORD WILLING and we live. Sister Judith Hannah + + +)
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