And when the Day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
And they were all filled with the RUACH ha KADOSH, and began to speak with other tongues, as the SPIRIT gave them utterance.
Peter said:
This Y'SHU+ has GOD raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.
Therefore being by the Right Hand of GOD exalted, and having received of The FATHER the promise of the RUACH ha KADOSH, HE+ has shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.
Verses 32-33
Acts 2: 1-4, 32-33 Courtesy of
PENTECOST ~ The FILLING of Earthen Vessels with HIS+ Heavenly,
+ + +
Have you asked of GOD the Baptism of The RUACH ha KADOSH ? It is the birth-right of all baptized Believers in the M'SHIKHA+.
It is REAL … and it is ACCESSIBLE for those who hunger to be CLOSER TO THE LORD. You cannot . . .
— are not able — to be about His+ work without this anointing.
labors will result in a pile of dry, fruitless, human-guided efforts if
you try to do His+ Work without the Baptism of the RUACH ha KADOSH.
Make this YOUR DAY of PENTECOST, if you are missing this anointing.
HE+ freely gives this Glorious Gift
of His+ Presence
to all who ask HIM+ for it !
But you must PREPARE for it.
Here is how. First of all …
search your heart. Ask HIM+ to show you any hindrances or blocks to receiving this Baptism. It is supernatural and no-one is able to “demand” this anointing. Only honest humility is acceptable … and you cannot fool The LORD.
HE+ is the ONE+ unto WHOM+ all hearts are open, all desires known, and from WHOM+ no secrets are hid. Ask HIM+ to cleanse the thoughts of your heart by the in-breathing of the Precious RUACH ha KADO.
After all hidden things are brought into His+ Light and repented of … then go on to step 2.
STEP 2 ….
Practice SUBMITTING your mind, your thoughts, your pattern of thinking, unto The WORD+ of GOD.
When you notice a thought that you have that is out of line with His+ Word , IMMEDIATELY REPENT and REPLACE it with what The WORD+ of GOD says.
These may be thoughts about Self or thoughts about your neighbor. They may be unruly or unwholesome thoughts while watching a movie or even the news … and most certainly, some of the ads on the internet !
Setting desires upon things we see or hear of , to covet to have them, is another set of thoughts that must go. SUBMIT every natural thought unto The WORD+ of GOD and screen each one of them, honestly. BE VIGILANT !
KEEP ONLY those thoughts which line up with GOD’S Word; repent and discard those thoughts that do not.
Then, go on to STEP 3.
This will be , for some, the hardest step.
In this step, SUBMIT your EMOTIONS to The WORD+ of GOD. This is hard because “they” will cling to you like glue. Your emotions will lie to you.
They will say, ” But this is who I am ! This is how I’ve always been. These are “just my feelings” . How can I deny my “true ” feelings ?
If you enter this STEP 3 seriously, you will discover an ACTUAL RUNNING DIALOGUE BETWEEN “THEM” AND “YOU” , as they argue with you to “stay” in your heart !
How can you have a “dialogue” between yourself, being one person ? You can’t. There are other beings at work.
If you wrestle with “your” feelings and emotions to BRING THEM IN LINE WITH GOD’S WORD, you will discover something: Those arguing with you are worldly values and family spirits which you have agreed with through-out your life.
You will see that THEY are controlling your emotions, instead of the SPIRIT of GOD. Ask The LORD to OPEN YOUR EYES to see
when you act like your Mother or Father or other relatives, in an
unseemly manner …. sinful or foolish reactions that “follow” your family
Because you have agreed with these values and family spirits — likely before you were born again — they have “squatter’s rights” … which is why you need to call upon The LORD Y'SHU the M'SHIKHA+ to evict them !
So …
in the Name of The LORD Y'SHU the M'SHIKHA+ and through all the power that His+ Blood Grants us, we
RENOUNCE these values
and family spirits
from controlling us
and our emotions.
We cast them from us and we will NOT follow them, by the ENABLING GRACE of The RUACH ha KADOSH through our LORD Y'SHU the M'SHIKHA+. We only want The LORD Y'SHU the M'SHIKHA+ to control us and our emotions.
We ask that our emotions be set free from our own Adamic nature through
+ + +
And through all these steps, keep asking The LORD for the Baptism of the RUACH ha KADOSH and all the spiritual gifts HE+ desires for you to have along with it. HE+ will not frighten you with it; HE+ knows what you have need of before you ask.
Reach out in faith, DO YOUR PART, and the LORD will ANSWER the hunger in your heart to have a deeper, SPIRIT-LED Walk with HIM+. HE+ desires this for you, also.
ASK and ye shall receive,
SEEK and ye shall find,
KNOCK and the DOOR+
shall be opened unto you.
+ + +
If ye then, being evil,
know how to give good gifts
unto your children:
how much more
shall your
Heavenly FATHER give
to them that ask HIM?
Luke ll:13
+ + +
I indeed baptize you with water
unto repentance.
But HE+ that cometh after me
is mightier than I,
Whose+ shoes
I am not worthy to bear:
HE+ shall baptize you
and with FIRE !
Matthew 3:11

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