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Apostle Paul by El Greco Courtesy of WikiArt |
TWO , yes TWO, "Laws" are written in the Aramaic TEXT of 7 words in Galatians 2:19.
For I, by the law, have become dead to the law, that I might live to God; and I am crucified with the Messiah. ~
Anyone who can count to TWO, can count the two "LAWS" found in the Aramaic text !
So now . . .
For I, by the law, have become dead to the law, that I might live to God; and I am crucified with the Messiah. ~
Anyone who can count to TWO, can count the two "LAWS" found in the Aramaic text !
Galatians 2:19 - ܐܢܐ ܓܝܪ ܒܢܡܘܣܐ ܠܢܡܘܣܐ ܡܝܬܬ ܕܠܐܠܗܐ ܐܚܐ ܀ (analyze) |
So now . . .
COUNT the LAWs in Andrew Roth's AENT
in Galatians 2:19
For by TORAH I am dead,
that I might live to ELOHIM.
For by TORAH I am dead,
that I might live to ELOHIM.
How many times can one count the word "LAW" in the translation of Andrew Roth's AENT version ?
Here is a CLASSICAL and accurate translation of the Aramaic text by Dr. James Murdock:
Galatians 2:19 - For I, by the law, have become dead to the law, that I might live to God; and I am crucified with the Messiah. ~
Galatians 2:19 - For I, by the law, have become dead to the law, that I might live to God; and I am crucified with the Messiah. ~
The verses are, in this order:
- Peshitta TEXT , British and Foreign Bible Society, 1905/ 1920
- Khabouris , courtesy of Stephen Silver
- Dr. John W. Etheridge
- Dr. James Murdock
- Mr. George Lamsa
- Latin Vulgate ( Clementine)
- Robinson & Pierpont's New Testament in the Original Greek Byzantine Textform, 2005
Galatians 2:19 - ܐܢܐ ܓܝܪ ܒܢܡܘܣܐ ܠܢܡܘܣܐ ܡܝܬܬ ܕܠܐܠܗܐ ܐܚܐ ܀ (analyze) | |||||||||||
Galatians 2:19 - For I by the law to the law am dead, that unto Aloha I may live: | |||||||||||
Galatians 2:19 - For I, by the law, have become dead to the law, that I might live to God; and I am crucified with the Messiah. | |||||||||||
Galatians 2:19 - For through the law I am dead to the law, that I might live unto God. | |||||||||||
Galatians 2:19 - Ego enim per legem, legi mortuus sum, ut Deo vivam: Christo confixus sum cruci. | |||||||||||
Galatians 2:19 - εγω γαρ δια νομου
νομω απεθανον ινα θεω ζησω COUNT the "LAWs"
In every one of these verses, anyone who can count to two will be able to see the number of times the word "law" is used in this verse
Yes, in each of the above verses... Aramaic Peshitta, Khabouris, Latin, and Greek ... "Law" is used 2 times, side by side in the TEXTS.
The Aramaic / Syriac Sacred TEXTS display the difference in the two uses of "law" by the two different prefixes attached . Those 2 prefixes are prepositions.
In the Aramaic TEXT, the first LAW is high-lighted in yellow with the prefix ܒ݁ ( "B - " ) attached, meaning "in" or "by the instrument of... " or "by the means of... "
However, the second word for LAW which is exactly the same form as the first word for LAW , is high-lighted in green, and has a ܠ ( " L - " ) attached to the front, meaning " to ."
The Latin and Greek TEXTS indicate the same meanings, highlighted with the same colors; however, Latin and Greek have suffixes because they are languages that utilize inflections, a grammar tool which enables those tongues to be extremely specific as to meaning.
The first word for LAW would be in the genitive case which is used with the prepositions "per" or "dia", respectively, and the second would be dative, which indicates "to" or "for" in both languages.
A literal translation could be read two ways, interestingly enough:
For I, in the LAW, to the LAW I have died, that to ALAHA I might live.
The second allowable reading would be:
For I , by (the instrument of ) the LAW, to the LAW I have died, that to ALAHA I might live.
Thus, the Apostle Paul had died to the LAW of Moses, so that he might live unto ALAHA through Y'SHU the M'SHIKHA.
in the AENT
in Galatians 2:19
For by TORAH I am dead, that I might live to ELOHIM.
How many times can one count the word "LAW" in this Aramaic-to-English verse ?
if one is precise, accurate, and honest.
The author / editor of the AENT consistently mis-translates the Greek loanword in the Peshitta , which is "NaMuSa" for law, as TORAH . ( See note below . )
Even tolerating his great liberties with the Aramaic Sacred TEXT, then, how many times is the Hebrew word TORAH found in his translation?
we find "LAW",
if we must accept NaMuSa
being translated as TORAH
instead of LAW.
The AENT makes no distinction between the two "LAWs" in the Aramaic TEXT and indeed, blends them into one word, "TORAH."
This AENT does this even though the two Aramaic words in the TEXT:
the entire concept
the Apostle Paul
was developing here.
In short,
the mis-translation
undermines the message
the Apostle Paul was bringing
to the law-laden Galatian assembly,
which was laboring
to the GOSPEL, to the GOOD NEWS which was
delivered to all the saints.
WHAT do YOU call this "error" ?
Some would call this a sin of omission; I call it heresy.
To change the message of the Apostle Paul by OMITTING the translation of the ARAMAIC TEXT which is there in both the Peshitta and Khabouris, which is not hidden, which utilizes COMMON, everyday-type of prepositions in COMMON, everyday-type of composition, one has to be either
these SACRED TEXTS ! !
"For if us, or even a Messenger from Heaven, preach outside from what was preached to you, let them be cursed." ~ ~ ~ AENT, Galatians 1:8
Even from their own garbled translation, there comes a strong and fearsome condemnation !
Let us pray for the deliverance
of all involved
who have come under this curse,
dear friends.
Notes on TORAH:
Torah is the Hebrew word for the Pentateuch, the 5 books of Moses, which contains a goodly portion of the Law. [ The AENT oftentimes translates into Hebrew instead of into English for several words, for some reason known only to itself. ] In John 10:34, Y'SHUA+ quotes Psalm 82:6, and calls it " your Law." Thus, we can see that the LAW extends into other books besides the TORAH or Pentateuch.
and it is found in 3 verses in the Peshitta ( Courtesy of Dukhrana.com ) :
Matthew 11:3 =
12:5 =
and 22:40 =
It seems a bit dishonest to translate the Greek loanword for LAW ( which is NaMuSa ) as TORAH, since the actual word for TORAH is in the Aramaic and in the New Covenant.
Interestingly enough, the Christian Palestinian Aramaic dialect does NOT include "TORAH", according to the information found on CAL ( the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon ).
The Aramaic dialects which DO include "TORAH" are several Jewish Aramaic dialects and the Galilean .
Even MORE INTERESTING is the fact that the Syriac Aramaic dialect uses "TORAH" to mean = the Pentateuch.
In other words, the Syriac uses "TORAH" in a very specific way, not the general way which may include "written law" or "instruction."
The AENT seems to use "TORAH" in a very non-specific way oftentimes, if the footnotes are checked for Mr. Roth's explanatory comments. These non-specific ways change to alter the meanings somewhat, I am sorry to say.
In short, the use of "TORAH" is changed to meet the needs of the translator ( ! ) . |
These are very excellent articles, Sister Hannah. Your grammatical analysis seems to be spot-on. Thanks for taking the time in service to the Father and His Son!
Dear Unknown Friend,
Bless you for taking the TIME to write.
It does NOT make me happy to be "Right" ; I grieve for the ERROR that is put forth to the innocent reader of Andrew Roth's "Aramaic-English New Testament".
It is a SHAME to trick those readers who do not know Aramaic or are too busy with the cares of this life to take the TIME to decipher the Aramaic for themselves . . . and thus, agree with the English "translation" in this New Testament.
I wince at the Judgment awaiting those who purposefully --- and perhaps, even BLINDLY --- change the Holy WORD of GOD.
His+ WORD is HOLY . When are men ever going to learn that men are not allowed to change it so that their pet doctrines are seemingly supported ?
What a grief it is to me ! What a grief it must be to the ONE+ WHO+ washed us from our sins in His+ own BLOOD !
Thank you again, dear friend, for reading those posts; they took HOURS of work and research in a GOD-fearing effort for accuracy .
Perhaps, they may pull someone out of those errors. . . . even Brother Andrew himself, to the Glory of THE ELOHIM: FATHER, SON+, and HOLY SPIRIT. Amen.
Blessings to you,
in JESUS ( Y'SHUA+ )
Who+ alone is LIFE
both here and beyond the GRAVE . . .
Sister Judith Hannah + + +
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