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He that rejects ME+
and receives not My+ WORDS,
hath ONE that judges him;
The WORD that I have spoken,
the same
shall judge him
in the Last Day.
For I+ have not spoken of Myself+;
but The FATHER
which sent ME+,
HE gave ME+
a commandment,
what I+ should say,
and what I+ should speak.
( Yochanan 12:48-49, words the same in all versions. )
Why is the controversy over the true meaning of GaMLa of any importance ?
THIS IS WHY: Either the Greek translators changed the meaning of The Words of YESHUA+ HA MASHIYACH+... or the Aramaic translators changed them.
Simply put: one is wrong, one is right.
Put another way:
- one will stand before the Judgment Seat of The MASHIYACH+ to give an awful accounting ;
- the other will hear the words, "Well Done, thou good and faithful Servant. Enter thou into the Joy of Thy LORD."
BOTH, however, can not be right.
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We know: ROPE is found for CAMEL in George Lamsa's Bible, Paul Younan's work on the New Covenant, and the current "Golden, Best, and Historic" version published by the Netzarim publishing house.
We know : The Aramaic lexicon written by Hassan Bar Bahlul in the 10th century states that some traditionally have translated a SHIP'S ROPE for GaMLa. [ See blog on Bar Bahlul.]
We know: BB cites Cyril of Alexandria, a noted GREEK scholar and Patriarch of Alexandria , 412 - 444 AD, as identifying GaMLa as ROPE.
We know: The ARMENIAN church followed some of the Greek, Cyril of Alexandria's teachings. ( See Wikipedia: " Armenian Apostolic Church." )
We know: From Wikipedia " Eye of a Needle"
5. ^ Manlio Simonetti - 2002 -"Cyril of Alexandria: By "camel" here he means not the living thing, the beast of burden, but the thick rope 33 to which ... "This interpretation — "rope" (kamilos)
and not "camel" (kamelos) — rests on the
homonymic character of the two .."
( In other words, in Medieval Greek, the two Greek words were pronounced the same and thus, caused some confusion. This is also stated in numerous other places on the internet and by Dr. Robinson. See below. )
[ Please note: The Greek CAMEL is written with a Greek vowel, ETA = a long "A" sound. Greek scholars like Dr. Robinson write the letters in English with a capital "H" for the ETA, / "Ate-aah" /... hence he would write "kamHLon" .
In my earlier blog, I wrote "kam- A - lon" to indicate the pronunciation. Some writers insert an English "e" , as did Simonetti, above, to indicate the CAMEL, as "Kam-e-lon".
ROPE, you may recall, is spelled in Greek "Kam-i-Lon." ]
We know : "Kam-i-Lon" ( Gk. ROPE) is never found in the Greek New Covenant.
However,"Kam-i-Lon" for ROPE is seldom used even in other Greek writings when concerning ships' cables. Thus, that usage is rather a moot point ... EVEN IN THE GREEK WRITINGS THEMSELVES.
It is found in two Greek writings OUTSIDE of the New Covenant. See BAGD, 2nd ed. , 1979, page 401, for "KamiLon" for those two references. Many other ancient references in the Greek literature OUTSIDE of the New Covenant are listed for "KamHLon." See BAGD entry directly above kamiLon.
Rather, "s X o i n i O n" is found for rope in John 2:15 ( a whip out of ropes = phragellion ek sXoiniOn ) and in Acts 27:32, where soldiers are cutting away the ropes which hold lifeboats, = ta sxoinia.
Likewise, in the Peshitta texts:
John 2:15 = phragela men CHaBLa is the whip out of ropes, and L-CHaBLe'H is the rope on the ship in Acts 27:32.
We know: The ARMENIAN church followed some of the Greek, Cyril of Alexandria's teachings. ( See Wikipedia: " Armenian Apostolic Church." )
We know: From Wikipedia " Eye of a Needle"
5. ^ Manlio Simonetti - 2002 -"Cyril of Alexandria: By "camel" here he means not the living thing, the beast of burden, but the thick rope 33 to which ... "This interpretation — "rope" (kamilos)
and not "camel" (kamelos) — rests on the
homonymic character of the two .."
( In other words, in Medieval Greek, the two Greek words were pronounced the same and thus, caused some confusion. This is also stated in numerous other places on the internet and by Dr. Robinson. See below. )
[ Please note: The Greek CAMEL is written with a Greek vowel, ETA = a long "A" sound. Greek scholars like Dr. Robinson write the letters in English with a capital "H" for the ETA, / "Ate-aah" /... hence he would write "kamHLon" .
In my earlier blog, I wrote "kam- A - lon" to indicate the pronunciation. Some writers insert an English "e" , as did Simonetti, above, to indicate the CAMEL, as "Kam-e-lon".
ROPE, you may recall, is spelled in Greek "Kam-i-Lon." ]
We know : "Kam-i-Lon" ( Gk. ROPE) is never found in the Greek New Covenant.
However,"Kam-i-Lon" for ROPE is seldom used even in other Greek writings when concerning ships' cables. Thus, that usage is rather a moot point ... EVEN IN THE GREEK WRITINGS THEMSELVES.
It is found in two Greek writings OUTSIDE of the New Covenant. See BAGD, 2nd ed. , 1979, page 401, for "KamiLon" for those two references. Many other ancient references in the Greek literature OUTSIDE of the New Covenant are listed for "KamHLon." See BAGD entry directly above kamiLon.
Rather, "s X o i n i O n" is found for rope in John 2:15 ( a whip out of ropes = phragellion ek sXoiniOn ) and in Acts 27:32, where soldiers are cutting away the ropes which hold lifeboats, = ta sxoinia.
Likewise, in the Peshitta texts:
John 2:15 = phragela men CHaBLa is the whip out of ropes, and L-CHaBLe'H is the rope on the ship in Acts 27:32.
We know : Toma Audo, ( 1854-1918 ), an archbishop of the Chaldean Catholic Church, stated the ROPE definition, as does the German linguist who wrote in Latin, Carl Brockelmann ( 1868-1956).... [ according to the information from Mr. Steven Ring, noted Aramaic scholar, well-known on the Internet.]
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We know: Dr. Steve Kaufman who edits the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon in Cincinnati's Hebrew Union College stated that [ GaMLa for] ROPE was not found in the Aramaic literature or writing.
He stated that the ONLY place it was found was in the "exegetical" work of some translators.
Dr. Kaufman stated ( See his comments, verbatim, on the previous blog ) that
He stated that the ONLY place it was found was in the "exegetical" work of some translators.
Dr. Kaufman stated ( See his comments, verbatim, on the previous blog ) that
" ... the exegetes derive it from
the context. It has nothing to do with Aramaic per se."
And: "What I am saying is that the word "camel" in that text was explained by some exegetes as referring to a thick rope used on boats. Otherwise it is not found in any actual texts."
We know : Dr. Kaufman does NOT establish ROPE as a regular definition for GaMLa in the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon because GaMLa is never used as "rope" in any Aramaic writing.
[ Please note: the scholarly CAL editor(s) differentiate between 30 different dialects which are used in the writings classed as "Aramaic." ]
We know : Even Dr. Kaufman's note about GaMLa being translated by some translators as ROPE was added to the CAL entry on GaMLa during the week of January 7, 2013 following my quest for scholarly information.... so the current volumes did not have this reference note from which to work when compiling their translations.
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We Know: The information about an extra vowel in GaMLa .... making it to be pronounced as Gam-a-lah in Aramaic is totally erroneous, according to Dr. Kaufman.
We know : Unfortunately, that mis-information about "gamala" is printed in footnote 182, at Matthew 19:24 in the "G,B, and H" version of the Netzarim New Covenant.
We Know: Dr. Maurice Robinson of the excellent Robinson-Pierpont's The New Testament in the Original Greek, Byzantine Textform, 2005, listed NO VARIANTS for those three verses where GaMLa is translated as ROPE instead of CAMEL. Nestle-Aland's 26th Greek edition listed only a very few, starting with the 9th century. Nestle-Aland's 27th Greek edition listed a few, also from the 9th or 10th century. Here are Dr. Robinson's exact words:
And Mt 23:24, where it hardly matters whether a Pharisee is
trying to swallow a camel or a rope (he simply can't do it); there KAMILON [ rope ] is
read by MSS M Theta Pi* 579.
We know : The idea of a LARGE animal going through a small opening is an ORIENTALISM. This quote was found on Wikipedia
[ From Wikipedia's "Eye of a Needle " article, above] and on several other sites on the Internet. To wit:
We know : Unfortunately, that mis-information about "gamala" is printed in footnote 182, at Matthew 19:24 in the "G,B, and H" version of the Netzarim New Covenant.
We Know: Dr. Maurice Robinson of the excellent Robinson-Pierpont's The New Testament in the Original Greek, Byzantine Textform, 2005, listed NO VARIANTS for those three verses where GaMLa is translated as ROPE instead of CAMEL. Nestle-Aland's 26th Greek edition listed only a very few, starting with the 9th century. Nestle-Aland's 27th Greek edition listed a few, also from the 9th or 10th century. Here are Dr. Robinson's exact words:
The data shown in NA27 are simple:
Mt 19:24, where KAMILON is read in only MSS 579 1424 pc arm
Mk 10:25, where KAMILON is read in only MSS f13 28 579 pc
Lk 18:25, where KAMILON is read in only MSS S f13 579vid
1424 al
1. First thing to notice is that, except for MS 579, *none*
of the witnesses remain consistent for all three occurrences. [ Please note: ms 579 was from the 13th century. /SrJH]
2. The reason the R-P text doesn't mention KAMILON in place
of KAMHLON is simple: the manuscript support is too slim to be of any consequence.
3. The *primary* issue is merely phonetic orthographic
variation. In (at least) later medieval Greek H and I were pronounced
identically. This phenomenon is replicated in the *other* instances where
"camel" occurs, where no one is claiming * * * "rope" meaning; e.g., John the Baptist dressed in camel's hair:
Mt 3:4, where instead of KAMHLOU [ camel] you have KAMILOU [rope ] in MSS 28
565 (and where MS D reads KAMHLLOU )
Mk 1:6, where instead of KAMHLOU [ camel ] you have KAMILOU [ rope ] in MSS
Gsup 2 28 (and where MS D along with Theta reads KAMELOU).
We know : These few with Kam-i-lon spellings in the Greek manuscripts came from the 9th, 10th, and 13th century.
We know : At least one or two of these early manuscripts came from the ARMENIAN and the GEORGIAN early manuscripts.
We know : George Lamsa was born in Armenia.
We know: Cyril of Alexandria , a Greek Patriarch, was lauded by the church in Armenia.
We know: Cyril of Alexandria , a Greek Patriarch, was lauded by the church in Armenia.
We know : Mr. Lamsa repudiated and taught against basic Christian doctrines, like the physical Resurrection of YESHUA+ HA MASHIYACH+ and a host of other doctrines central to Christianity.
We know : The idea of a LARGE animal going through a small opening is an ORIENTALISM. This quote was found on Wikipedia
[ From Wikipedia's "Eye of a Needle " article, above] and on several other sites on the Internet. To wit:
The Babylonian Talmud applies
the aphorism to
unthinkable thoughts. To
explain that dreams
reveal the thoughts of a man's heart, the product
of reason
rather than the absence of it, the rabbis
They do not show a man a palm tree of gold,
nor an elephant going
through the eye of a
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The use of an apparent imposibility for man or creatures is only used as a counterpoint for the latter, with God all things are possible.
It makes little difference whether it is a rope or a camel that cannot pass through the eye of the needle.
Dear Anonymous...
Thank you kindly for your response. You certainly are in GOOD COMPANY with your thoughts; Dr. Maurice Robinson ( Pierpont-Robinson / The New Testament in the Original Greek, Byzantine Textform, 2005 ) said exactly the SAME THING in this article above.
However, Dr. Robinson was only answering my email questions.
He had not read the Aramaic-English New Testament by Andrew Roth at Matthew 19:24, footnote #182, page 56, mis-pagination edition... where the ROPE vs CAMEL translation error occurs.
Briefly, then, in footnote #182, it seems Mr. Roth REFUTES The LORD'S teaching about how hard it is for a rich man to enter Heaven.... by using the ROPE word in his translation.
Footnote #182 states that "ROPE" can be UN-WOUND and thus, like thread, can pass through the eye of the needle !
[ If you are interested in more detail, please see the post entitled "An Aramaic GAMLAH is Still an English Camel,", Matthew 19:16-25, published on Sunday, December 2, 2012 ].
That is WHY this error of one little word is so important. Mr. Roth USES that error to refute The LORD's words and establish his own doctrine that says: "It is OK to be rich... as long as you acquire it ( in line with GOD'S word ? ) ... use it for good."
If you check out footnote #182, you will see WHY the extrapolation of word meanings in the AENT are terribly mis-leading.
Mr. Roth uses this technique in other verses, unfortunately, as in Matthew 10:38, footnote #107, page 28 , mis-pagination edition.
Here, Mr. Roth mis-translates CROSS to STAKE, then stretches STAKE to STAFF... and REFUTES THE TEACHING of The LORD, once again.
This is a very dangerous, VERY dangerous translation to use , especially for those not well-grounded in Following Y'SHU+ the M'SHIKHA.
Thank you , once again, for sharing your thoughts on this issue.
Yours for TRUTH+ in the inner man... and on the written page,
Sr. Judith Hannah + + +
Disassembling the rope is a dissembling of the message.
Take the rope to thread then weave it back into a rope on the other side.
“Then who can be saved?” shows the apostles were being presented with an impossibility not an inconvenience.
Yes. Agreed. Changing the message delivered to us by Our LORD is indeed the issue with Mr. Roth's word changes and his changes in the "translation" of the goodly Aramaic Text.
Yours for TRUTH+ in the inner man... and on the written page
Sr. Judith Hannah + + +
Sister Judith, I was debating the whole needle teaching of Jesus and found your article. Nicely done! It was a real camel and the real (small) eye of a needle Jesus was referring to. Too bad so many people do everything conceivable to twist it into something else. I posted this as one of five myths often believed about the Bible. God bless you.
Steve Ray
Dear Steve Ray,
Thank you and GOD send HIS blessing to you for striving for the Truth. It is the ONLY thing that will make us free; falsehoods entrap. Thanks for the encouragement, too.
In JESUS / Y'SHUA+ in Hebrew/ Y'SHU+ in Aramaic/ Who+ is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE . . . in any language.
Sr. Judith Hannah + + +
PS... I have never been Roman Catholic and never will be.
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