MICAH 5:2 Complete Jewish Bible

Micah 5:1... Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

But you, Beit-Lechem near Efrat,so small among the clans of Y’hudah,out of you will come forth to me the future ruler of Isra’el,whose origins are far in the past, back in ancient times.

Neither is there SALVATION in any other; for there is NO OTHER NAME+ under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Acts 4:12

That at the NAME of YESHUA+ every knee shall bow, of beings in Heaven, beings in earth, and beings under the earth; and that every tongue should proclaim that YESHUA+ MASHIYACH+ is LORD, to the Glory of ALAHA, His+ FATHER.
Philippians 2:10-11


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Handle ME+ ... and See !

BESIDE THE STILL WATERS, photo by Sr. Judith Hannah  + + +
Order of the GOOD SHEPHERD +

The Resurrection Season,

Day 32 of the 40 Days our RESURRECTED LORD Y'SHU+ the M'SHIKHA spent with His+ disciples in His+ Glorified Body+ !


Then saith HE+ ( the Risen M'SHIKHA+) to Thomas,

 Reach hither thy finger,

and behold My+ Hands;


and reach hither thy hand,

and thrust it into My+ Side:


and be not faithless,

but believing.

John 20:27


+  +  +


Behold My+ Hands and My+ Feet,

that it is I+ Myself+:

 Handle ME+, and see;

 for a spirit hath not flesh and bones,

as ye see ME+ have.

Luke 24:39

 +  +  +

 We are INVITED.


invites us to touch HIM+.


After His+ Resurrection, HE+ invited the shell-shocked, unbelieving disciples to TOUCH His+ Glorified, Resurrected Body... that very Body+ they walked along with every day.


In agony they had watched that Body+ being beaten with whips of bone and nail, staggering under the weight of the Cross-beam.


Their senses REELED with the torturing Crucifixion of their SAVIOR+, the ONE+ they had deemed to be The M'SHIKHA+, the SON+ of GOD.


The LORD Y'SHU+ the M'SHIKHA invited them to TOUCH His+ now Glorified Body+ , that familiar form which they had all watched DIE under the hands of the rough Roman soldiers !

+  +  +

 We are invited too.


We who struggle with life's problems are invited to draw near to the RESURRECTED M'SHIKHA+ and actually touch HIM+.


How do we encounter M'SHIKHA+ ?

How can we possibly come close enough to touch HIM+ now ?


Isn't HE+ in Heaven

with The HOLY FATHER ?

 This is how:

 We come close enough to HIM+

... to allow HIM+ to touch us


Come unto ME+,

all ye that labor and are heavy laden,

and I+

will give you rest.


Take My+ yoke upon you,

and learn of ME+;


for I+ am meek and lowly in heart:

and ye shall find rest unto your souls.


For My+ yoke is easy,

and My+ burden is light.

Matthew 11: 28-30

 +  +  +


Come, My children,

Enter into My Courts

and stand STILL before ME+.


Set your heart upon ME+.

… and I+ will set My+ Heart upon you.


Close the door to the world.

Close the door to your pressing troubles

And turn your gaze upon ME+

For just one hour of your day...

Alone, before ME+ in Stillness,

Not performing nor studying.


Just sit still beside ME+.  


The STILL WATERS are here,

at this place

 where I+ AM.


 +  +  +

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