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SHRINE of the BOOK housing the Dead Sea Scrolls, at Israel Museum, Jerusalem Photo by Berthold Werner Courtesy of Commons Wikipedia |
We discovered in the previous post that it is truly possible --- and required --- to follow Torah flawlessly .
This can ONLY BE ACCOMPLISHED, however, by uniting one's own will with The WILL of Y'SHU+ the M'SHIKHA.
Because of HIS+ being " The Way, The Truth, and The Life," even primitive peoples who have never heard of the Torah may enter into HIS+ Righteousness ... if they follow Y'SHU+ the M'SHIKHA for the salvation from their sins.
That is why Y'SHU+
did NOT instruct
His+ followers to preach Torah
for the remission of sins...
but rather
to baptize and share the Good News to all nations that repentance and remission of sins were accomplished in His+ Name, for those who would believe and follow HIM+.
[Verses Courtesy of Dukhrana.com]
Luke 24:46 - And HE+ said to them: Thus it is written, and
thus it was right for MESSIAH+ to suffer, and rise from the dead on the third
Luke 24:47 - ܘܰܕ݂ܢܶܬ݂ܟ݁ܪܶܙ ܒ݁ܰܫܡܶܗ ܬ݁ܝܳܒ݁ܽܘܬ݂ܳܐ ܠܫܽܘܒ݂ܩܳܢܳܐ ܕ݁ܰܚܛܳܗܶܐ ܒ݁ܟ݂ܽܠܗܽܘܢ ܥܰܡ݈ܡܶܐ ܘܫܽܘܪܳܝܳܐ ܢܶܗܘܶܐ ܡܶܢ ܐܽܘܪܺܫܠܶܡ ܀ |
Etheridge:Luke 24:47 and that in his name
should be preached repentance and the forgiveness of sins among all nations, and
that the commencement should be from Urishlem.
Murdock: Luke 24:47 and that, in his name, repentance for
the remission of sins should be preached among all nations, and that the
commencement be at Jerusalem.
Lamsa: Luke 24:47 And that repentance should be preached in
his name for the forgiveness of sins among all nations; and the beginning will
be from Jerusalem.
Following Torah FLAWLESSLY...
simply cannot be done through those 613 Laws listed in the Torah proper, according to Scriptures.
Hear the words of Y'SHU+ to the Jews and to the crowd gathered in the Temple at the Feast of the Tabernacles in John 7:19:
John 7:19 - ܠܳܐ ܗ݈ܘܳܐ ܡܽܘܫܶܐ ܝܰܗ݈ܒ݂ ܠܟ݂ܽܘܢ ܢܳܡܽܘܣܳܐ ܘܠܳܐ ܐ݈ܢܳܫ ܡܶܢܟ݂ܽܘܢ ܢܳܛܰܪ ܢܳܡܽܘܣܳܐ ܀ |
John 7:19 - ܠܐ ܗܘܐ ܡܘܫܐ ܝܗܒ ܠܟܘܢ ܢܡܘܣܐ ܘܠܐ ܐܢܫ ܡܢܟܘܢ ܢܛܪ ܢܡܘܣܐ ܀ |
Etheridge: John 7:19 - Did not Musha give you the law? But no man of you keepeth the law. Why seek you to kill ME+ ? |
Murdock: John 7:19 - Did not Moses give you the law? Yet no one of you observeth the law. |
Lamsa: John 7:19 - Did not Moses give you the law? and yet no one of you obeys the law. Why do you want to kill ME+ ? |
Now Note here:
Mr. Roth's Netzarim AENT has a footnote, # 80, that is very mis-leading. For verse 7:19, Mr. Roth states that
- " THE PHARISEES face a stern rebuke here from Y'shua+ for not keeping the Torah of Moshe; ..... By contrast, 'not a man among you,' not one Pharisee, is keeping Torah..." Page 254, Mis-pg. Edition, John 7:10, footnote #80.
However, Mr. Roth's words are only his own assumption. In this 7th chapter of John, the Pharisees are not identified until verse 32. But rather, the Jews in general ( Sadducees or proselytes, perhaps included ?) and the crowd are the identities of those in the Temple who heard Y'SHU+ .
There, in verse 32, the Pharisees heard the words of the crowd which was listening to HIM+ saying ... "When M'SHIKHA+ comes, what more than these miracles that this man does will HE+ do ? " ... so the chief priests sent guards to seize HIM+.
Yes, a follower of Y'SHU+ the M'SHIKHA is enabled by the HOLY SPIRIT, the Ruach ha Kadosh, to keep Torah flawlessly because His+ Righteous ways arise in one's heart... even if that follower has not read Torah nor known that it existed ! Such marvelous Grace !
Next post, we will look at Galatians 2:20 in retrospect to see HOW one can actually unite one's will to the Will of Y'SHU+ the M'SHIKHA... LORD be willing and we live.
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